One of the most enjoyable parts of being a child, is participating in things that you enjoy outside the classroom. Whether that is joining a football team, learning to dance, or playing an instrument.

Yet research shows that disadvantaged children in the UK are 3 times less likely to be involved in any extracurricular activities than children from a more privileged background.

As a result, these children lose out on the core attributes and benefits that these activities bring. These include, an increase in confidence, building social skills and friendships, a desire to progress, and overall a sense of well-being, belonging, and happiness.

That is why the Little Legends Children’s Trust is passionate about giving every child living within the East Midlands the opportunity to participate in these activities.

We believe that every child deserves a chance to thrive.

What we do

Our charity is supported and funded by money raised via a variety of local fundraising events. 

These events will include golf days, the most recent one was in conjunction with the Derby Couty Football Club, galas, parachute jumps and ladies' lunches to name but a few.  

These fundraising events enable the Little Legends to achieve our goals and  reach those children that also deserve the chance to thrive!

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